This morning Chick had me over for games. It's so nice to have a good friend who can play during the day. We played Combat Commander, my second try at a DIY scenario. Once again a lot of fun.
This time I had a company of Germans in the desert, 1941. Chick had British guard, holding a ridge in the center of the board. There was no other terrain! Between the open objective and my secret objective there was no benefit to taking the ridge. I set up my HMG's and mortars in my right flank, and ran the rest of the company toward the far board edge. Chick's initial position was mostly behind the ridge (very Wellington of him) so he couldn't respond to my first few moves. Unfortunately my 10-2 leader stumbled into a mine field. Before he could recover Chick's troops crested the ridge, took aim and killed him!
I ran another leader up. He promptly got stuck in hidden wire, and killed. It looked pretty bleak. On the other hand my fire base was effectively clearing the ridge. The leader commanding the firebase tried to run up and take command. Maybe he could get a few squads off the far side of the board.
Nope. But it was a really fun game that could have gone either way.
After lunch Chick taught me the Call of Cthulhu card game. Good fun but I'll have to play a few more times to see if it's a game for me.
Next week - Fantasy Flight's War of the Ring - the deluxe edition!